Monday, August 12, 2013


Some things I learned:

If you purchase pork chops prior to July 24th, you should freeze them before August 12th.

Good thing I had some fillets, actually one more than I needed. So I had fillet matignon . Sounds fancy doesn't? It was really good. Google it if you don't know what it is.

Also had red beans and rice. You can't go wrong with red beans and rice.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Project Finale


I know some of you thought I'd never finish, but I have.

I learned some things since the last update:

You should use gloves when staining.

This makes clean up much easier.

I stained the shelf board.

and glued and stapled the magazine racks to the board.

The final project looks like this:

Found out that the board is really warped, so no rolling objects.