I was asked once why I don't post everyday. My answer was a bit flippant. I said the blog was called Everyday is Groundhog Day so all the days are the same. No need to write everyday, they're all the same.
I like to write, I'm not very good at it, but I like it. I'm also torn by the medium used. I like my electrons. I am, after all, a geek, but there's something to be said for journals and fountain pens. Writing down your thoughts in a library strewn with red oak and old books. Leather reading chairs...heaven.
But everyday here is like groundhog day. Weekdays start with the alarm at 4:00, I hit the snooze more times than I'd like. My intention is to walk the treadmill, but usually just hit the snooze. Shower, dress, sometimes actually eat something, drive to work about 5:20ish. At work by 6:00, email, workflow, meetings. Lunch at 11:00, more meetings, head home by 3:30 unless I have to work overtime. Television, dinner, bed.
Weekends aren't any better. Awake at 8:00-9:00, television, breakfast, television, lunch, television, dinner, television, bed. Real exciting isn't it. This is what makes summer especially bad, no new shows on to watch.
We did go out to Ecanto's last night. A local band plays there about once a month and a friend of ours has a friend in the band, they play 70's folk rock. Its usually a good time.
I guess I'll have to start trying harder to live a more interesting life, so I'll have interesting things to put in the blog.