I was a junior in high school, she was a senior. My best friend, Larry, was working with her at Zarda's Dairy. I asked him to introduce me to her, they were both trainees so I was introduced to his 'sister' Sheryl Trainee. I was lost from the start, not sure what she thought at the time, but a couple of days later I did tell him that someday I was going to marry that girl.
We were in choir together and I chased her for over two years, primarily through roses. I would cut a rose of my mom's rose bush and take to her. Then I figured I would take roses to her mother, that helped alot. We dated all through college and she even let me join the military, yes I needed her approval.
One Christmas with the ring I bought with my $100/month stipend from my ROTC Scholarship that her mom helped me pick out, I proposed and surprisingly she said yes.

We were married 27 years ago today. It was a beautiful spring day and as you can see my bride was also beautiful. In my eyes she's still just as beautiful.

I was able to put one wife's tale to rest before the wedding. My groomsmen suggested we pose playing cards. The picture is what I was actually dealt. It was a natural straight. They apologized for the lucky in cards, unlucky in love bit, but after 27 years I would say I had the best of both worlds.
Who would have thought you had mushy in you. Awwwwwww.