What I find difficult to believe is that a referee 30 yards away from a 6'-0", 250lb player who is "hiding" the football to keep from getting stripped, can accurately spot the ball so that the difference is inches.
They also take great ceremony to conduct the check.
The measurement is useless. They should just give the first down if the team comes close.
Speaking of useless, I have lots of pages I "liked" in facebook that request that I additionally "like" various posts and causes. So I pound the like button as if my life depended on it. But I was thinking the other day, why? Most are political sites that really can not influence members of Congress or the President. If they could, the budget crisis wouldn't have been one and debt limits increases would not be needed.
Social media is supposed to allow the "little" person to have a greater say in the issues of the day, but they don't.
I'll keep pounding the like button.....
Don't get me started on the farce that is placement. And "breaking the plane" on a touchdown?? GAH!!!!