I know I'm not alone in this, heck my entire graduating class from High School, was probably born the same year I was. But this is my blog so they can crow on their own.
Being 50 this year won't be as bad as I thought. I share this distinction with several worthwhile and fantastic things. I watched the Grammy salute to the Beatles last night. They are by far my favorite band and arrived in this country the year I was born. I have all their albums, mostly in digital form. I once even wrote a love letter to my now wife using the lyrics from a Beatles' song.

My all time favorite car is the mustang. It was the first car I ever owned. Unfortunately it had issues and my brother made my mom "give" it away. My car was primer grey and I love it more than life. I got another in 1979, and it lasted until the heater core went out and cost more than the car to replace. I got another in 1995 on my way home from England, it was the second favorite car I owned. Next year I'll get a 2015, which is the official 50 year car, but the Mustang actually made its first appearance in late 64.

Finally the very first desktop personal computer,
Programma 101 was debuted at the 1964 World's Fair. NASA purchased many of these computers to do calculations for the 69 Moon landings.
So you see, all my favorite things, from cars to music to computers and space had their beginning the year I was born. Makes me down right proud to be 50!
It's a great year for you!!