Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Some Stereotypes are Right

Update: Today I wore "the Shirt", it was wonderful. Think I can get my wife to make all my shirts Egyptian cotton?

One should never let a man go shopping on his own. I must admit I shop with a purpose. I know what I want I go into the store and I purchase. That enviably leads to mis-purchases.

I was in Men's Warehouse the other day, buying new dress shirts. The good news is Men's Warehouse seems to always be having a buy one get one free sale. I knew I needed a white shirt so I got the basic white cotton, and figured the next shirt would be free so....

There it was. Not that I usually fall for pretty shirts, but something about the color blue and the thread texture, it was a good looking shirt. On further examination, it was constructed of egyptian cotton. Now I know all the females out there are going ooooo...(expensive). That thought never occurred to me. The closest I've come to egyptian cotton is on commercials about sheets. It wasn't till the salesmen rang up my purchase that I realized I just committed to buying a $95 shirt! Well at least I'll look good!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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